Saturday, March 13, 2010

Car Stolen

Our car was stolen out of our garage last night. That takes some balls to break into a garage while we are home and steal our car. It makes me feel a little scared and frightened. We keep the doors to the house locked except for the side door because of taking the dog at night. Now everything will be locked. Never thought in a small town that I would feel like this.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am making it a point to tell everybody to fill out there census and send it back in. This census helps your local schools and towns get money. The government spends money in communities based on how many people are there. the more people the more money or ratio of it goes to them. I know that money is tight everywhere but sooner or later it will get back to normal and they will spend it where it belongs. This is the first census I filled out and I am glad that I did.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Up way to early and bats

I am up way to early for a Saturday morning. My husband had to go into work this morning so he was up and 5ish. He thought he would be funny and wake me up to ask if I was going to make his coffee. The not so funny part is that jackson woke up. Jackson in turned woke up Ethan, so guess who didn't get to go back to sleep: me. Yikes. I guess I could get an early start on my chores so that this afternoon when Jeff gets home, I dont have them to do. My morning is busy due to taking Jayson to get his haircut and the bat guy coming to set traps and catch a bat.

Here is the thing with the bat. In November, I saw a bat when Jeff was gone to Warrensburg. Everybody thought it was just one and we couldn't find it. Then one night when Jayson was in the basement he saw a bat. We have found dead bats in the basement. On Thursday night, Jeff finally saw a bat. He said it was bigger then the others and flew around the downstairs and then went back upstairs. I missed it of course. When I got back, Jeff and Jayson were going bat hunting. Jeff had a flashlight and Jayson had a fishing net. They looked all over the house except for the attic because there is no light up there. Of course, this sight was absolutely hilarious. Jeff decided we had better call somebody and he said that there is probably a nest and the one Jeff saw was a female. He is coming out today to see what he can do. Yikes!!!